• Jorge Luís Terra da Silva
Keywords: Bounded rationality. Racial phenomena. Behavioral change. Public policies. Law.


In Brazil, the idea prevails that the use of coercion would be enough to combat racism and other racial phenomena. This coercion is enshrined in Constitutions, international acts and laws. This predominance is based on the understanding that rational stimuli would be suffi cient for the desired behaviors to be carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to verify the treatment given to racial issues in the Brazilian Constitutions, as well as to indicate some international Conventions, public policies and laws of national scope, always emphasizing the low eff ectiveness of these instruments in the mentioned combat. Doctrinal manifestations are also adduced; that illustrate a certain disconnection with the reality of the time in which they were produced and with the evidence of inequality and discrimination that are constantly presented. It is pointed out that, there is a past linked to the dehumanization of people who were killed, exploited and considered as input to a production chain, building the legacy that indigenous and black Brazilians, as well as their histories and cultures would have less value and importance. This legacy remains renewed by the media, communication, language and social dynamics that support racial phenomena. These phenomena end up limiting the rationality of citizens, the creators and implementers of laws and public policies, as well as the potential supervisors of the implementation of these laws and policies. It is fundamental, with the knowledge that any person or institution can be infl uenced by racial phenomena, that they are faced, having a better control of the processes, promoting evaluation and popular participation, focusing
on results and positive impacts concrete and using behavioral sciences. Seized the idea of bounded rationality by racial phenomena, public policies and realistic laws may be conceived, implemented and monitored, that is, that consider how people think, feel, engage and change behaviors.


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How to Cite
Jorge Luís Terra da Silva. (2020). A RACIONALIDADE LIMITADA POR FENÔMENOS RACIAIS. Revista Do Ministério Público Do Rio Grande Do Sul , 1(87), 221-242. Retrieved from https://revistadomprs.org.br/index.php/amprs/article/view/193