efeitos e (in)eficácia de sua declaração
The present work aims to identify and analyze the eff ects sought and achieved from the declaration of the “unconstitutional state of aff airs” by the Federal Supreme Court in the judgment of the precautionary measure of the Action for Noncompliance with Fundamental Precept (ADPF) nº 347/DF. The analytical method will be used. At fi rst, the historical evolution of the institute object of the work will be portrayed, highlighting its declaration in Colombia in 1997, its concept andits specifi cities. Afterwards, a general study will be made about the conditions of Brazilian prisons and the violations of individual rights caused by the precarious conditions with which they operate in Brazil. Finally, we will start with a critical analysis of the eff ective consequences of the declaration of the unconstitutional state of aff airs in the Brazilian criminal legal and criminal procedure sphere. Based on a bibliographic review of books and articles involving the theme, we sought to reach conclusions about the eff ectiveness of the measures imposed by the Supreme Federal Court in the
spheres of the Public Power and the three Powers.
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