estratégias de litigância e o papel do judiciário no combate as causas e efeitos do aquecimento global no contexto brasileiro
Artigo 06.
BOEHRINGER, Christoph, ‘Two decades of european climate policy: a critical appraisal’ (2014) 8(1) Review of environmental economics and policy 1.
BURNS, William CG and Hari M Osofsky (eds), Adjudicating climate change: state, national, and international approaches (Cambridge University Press, 2009). Disponível em:.
BUTTI, Luciano, ‘The tortuous road to liability: a critical survey on climate change litigation in Europe and North America’ (2010) 11 Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 32.
FITZMAURICE, Malgosia, ‘Environmental degradation’. In: Daniel Moeckli et al (eds), International human rights law (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed, 2014).
GRay, Wayne B and Jay P Shimshack, ‘The effectiveness of environmental monitoring and enforcement: a review of the empirical evidence’ (2011) 5(1) Review of environmental economics and policy 3.
IPCC – Painel intergovernamental de mudanças climáticas das Nações Unidas. ‘Relatório: síntese de mudanças climáticas para agentes governamentais’ (quinto relatório de avaliação (AR5), 2014).
LIAN, Koh Kheng and Lovleen Bhullar, ‘Governance on adaptation to climate change in the asean region’ (2011) 5(1) Carbon & Climate law review 82.
LOVINS, Amory B, ‘A farewell to fossil fuels: answering the energy challenge’ (2012) 91(2) Foreign Affairs 134.
MILLNER, Felicity and Kirsty Ruddock, ‘Climate litigation: lessons learned and future opportunities’ (2011) (1) Alternative Law Journal 27.
NEWTON, Peter W, ‘Liveable and sustainable? Socio-technical challenges for twenty-fi rstcentury cities’ (2012) 19(1) Journal of urban technology 81.
OSOFSKY, Hari M, ‘The continuing importance of climate change litigation’ (2010) 1 Climate Law 3.
PARDO, David W, ‘Judiciary and environmental public policies: the “signifi cative compromise” as a model of action.’ (2013) 72 Environmental law journal 161.
PEEL, Jacqueline, ‘Issues in climate change litigation [Article]’ (2011) (1) Carbon & Climate law review 15.
PEEL, Jacqueline et al, ‘The infl uence of climate change litigation on governments and the private sector’ (2011) 2(4) Climate law 485.
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PRESTON, Brian J, ‘Climate change litigation (Part 2) [Article]’ (2011) (2) Carbon & Climate law review 244.
PRESTON, Brian J., ‘The contribution of the courts in tackling climate change’ (2016) 28(1) Journal of environmental law 11.
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SCHATZ, Julia, ‘Climate change litigation in Canada and the USA’ (2009) 18(2) Review of european community & International environmental law 129.
SEROA DA MOTTA, Ronaldo (ed), Mudança do clima no Brasil: aspectos econômicos, sociais e regulatórios. (Ipea, 2011).
SHELTON, Dinah, ‘State and local efforts to address climate change in the United States federal systems’. In: Comparative environmental law (Direito Ambiental Comparado) (Editora Forum, 2008).
STAVINS, RN, ‘Market-based environmental policies’. In: Public policies for environmental protection (Resources for the future).
WILKINSON, Sara J, ‘Conceptual understanding of sustainability in the australian property sector’ (2013) 31(3) Property management 260.
Adaptation and Mitigation – Responses to climate change. Disponível em:.
Conectas direitos humanos, transparência no BNDES. Disponível em:.
Ministério do Meio Ambiente, planos setoriais de mitigação e adaptação. Disponível em:.
Números do cadastro ambiental rural – Serviço fl orestal brasileiro – SFB. Disponível em:.
Política nacional sobre mudança do clima. Disponível em:.
BURNS, William CG and Hari M Osofsky (eds), Adjudicating climate change: state, national, and international approaches (Cambridge University Press, 2009). Disponível em:
BUTTI, Luciano, ‘The tortuous road to liability: a critical survey on climate change litigation in Europe and North America’ (2010) 11 Sustainable Dev. L. & Pol’y 32.
FITZMAURICE, Malgosia, ‘Environmental degradation’. In: Daniel Moeckli et al (eds), International human rights law (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed, 2014).
GRay, Wayne B and Jay P Shimshack, ‘The effectiveness of environmental monitoring and enforcement: a review of the empirical evidence’ (2011) 5(1) Review of environmental economics and policy 3.
IPCC – Painel intergovernamental de mudanças climáticas das Nações Unidas. ‘Relatório: síntese de mudanças climáticas para agentes governamentais’ (quinto relatório de avaliação (AR5), 2014).
LIAN, Koh Kheng and Lovleen Bhullar, ‘Governance on adaptation to climate change in the asean region’ (2011) 5(1) Carbon & Climate law review 82.
LOVINS, Amory B, ‘A farewell to fossil fuels: answering the energy challenge’ (2012) 91(2) Foreign Affairs 134.
MILLNER, Felicity and Kirsty Ruddock, ‘Climate litigation: lessons learned and future opportunities’ (2011) (1) Alternative Law Journal 27.
NEWTON, Peter W, ‘Liveable and sustainable? Socio-technical challenges for twenty-fi rstcentury cities’ (2012) 19(1) Journal of urban technology 81.
OSOFSKY, Hari M, ‘The continuing importance of climate change litigation’ (2010) 1 Climate Law 3.
PARDO, David W, ‘Judiciary and environmental public policies: the “signifi cative compromise” as a model of action.’ (2013) 72 Environmental law journal 161.
PEEL, Jacqueline, ‘Issues in climate change litigation [Article]’ (2011) (1) Carbon & Climate law review 15.
PEEL, Jacqueline et al, ‘The infl uence of climate change litigation on governments and the private sector’ (2011) 2(4) Climate law 485.
PINTO, Vitor. Urban law master plan and property rights (Thomsom Reuters, 4th ed, 2014).
PRESTON, Brian J, ‘Climate change litigation (Part 2) [Article]’ (2011) (2) Carbon & Climate law review 244.
PRESTON, Brian J., ‘The contribution of the courts in tackling climate change’ (2016) 28(1) Journal of environmental law 11.
SÁNCHEZ, Luis Enrique, ‘O processo de avaliação de impacto ambiental, seus papéis e funções (1995). A efetividade da avaliação de impacto ambiental no estado de São Paulo: uma análise a partir de estudos de caso. Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo 13.
SCHATZ, Julia, ‘Climate change litigation in Canada and the USA’ (2009) 18(2) Review of european community & International environmental law 129.
SEROA DA MOTTA, Ronaldo (ed), Mudança do clima no Brasil: aspectos econômicos, sociais e regulatórios. (Ipea, 2011).
SHELTON, Dinah, ‘State and local efforts to address climate change in the United States federal systems’. In: Comparative environmental law (Direito Ambiental Comparado) (Editora Forum, 2008).
STAVINS, RN, ‘Market-based environmental policies’. In: Public policies for environmental protection (Resources for the future).
WILKINSON, Sara J, ‘Conceptual understanding of sustainability in the australian property sector’ (2013) 31(3) Property management 260.
Adaptation and Mitigation – Responses to climate change. Disponível em:
Conectas direitos humanos, transparência no BNDES. Disponível em:
Ministério do Meio Ambiente, planos setoriais de mitigação e adaptação. Disponível em:
Números do cadastro ambiental rural – Serviço fl orestal brasileiro – SFB. Disponível em:
Política nacional sobre mudança do clima. Disponível em:
Comment citer
Vinícius Lameira Bernardo. (2020). MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS:: estratégias de litigância e o papel do judiciário no combate as causas e efeitos do aquecimento global no contexto brasileiro. Revista Do Ministério Público Do Rio Grande Do Sul , 1(80), 79-109. Consulté à l’adresse