atuação multiespecializada na luta pela garantia dos direitos fundamentais por meio da justiça restaurativa como complemento a justiça tradicional
This paper, based on the study developed during the Specialization Course in Diffuse and Collective Rights of the Higher School Foundation of the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul, considers a life and work trajectory with the Faxinal do Soturno (RS) District Attorney’s Offi ce, whose practices and conduct are related to the restorative justice concept, considering the social and politic reality of our country and the and citizens’ expectations in the face of problems which arise from it and fall within the scope of justice. For this, this paper was divided in the following parts: the fi rst part is a contextualization, when it is explained the tittle, the epigraph, the general and specifi c purposes of the implemented research; the second part is about the rupture of paradigms adopted through a new world view to focus on frequent practices in the scope in question; the third part brings a look at
historicity, thinking of justice from the traditional perspective in relation a restorative justice, taking the latter as a necessity in the contemporary world, when then based on dialogue and accountability; the fourth part, we refer to our practice in particular, approaching it in its specifi city, that is, to a multispecialized performance, through preventive and resolutive projects. Before the conclusion, still, in the fi fth part, some testimonials clippings were inserted, aiming to link the action proposal implemented to the way they were and are understood and felt by the community. Lastly, some final considerations are presented, with suggestions as to the form of progression of the promoter career, in which we are inserted, under the need to maintain coherence with the presented proposal.
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