This research addresses cases whereby the Cabinet of the Prosecutor’s Offi cer carries out a vertical judicial review seeking to harmonize municipal laws with human rights treaties in force in Brazil (test of conventionality). This article highlights two diff erent forms of reviews. In the fi rst, the Cabinet of the Prosecutor’s Offi cer “evaluate” – either when demanded to do so or out of its own prerogatives – whether domestic legislation and treaties are compatible but leaves theactual review, with the possibility of invalidation of incompatible laws, to the judiciary. In the second approach (control approach), the Cabinet of the Prosecutor’s Offi cer dully exercises a review of internal laws and human rights treaties – striking out incompatible norms – according to discretionary powers provided for in the constitution and other norms. The conclusion is that the current prerogatives and powers of the Cabinet of the Prosecutor’s Offi cer are not solely conscribed to following the constitution and other domestic laws, but rather includes the power to analyze the compatibility – even without requests – between all kinds of municipal legislation and international human rights treaties in force in Brazil based on the pro homine principle.
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